Research Methodology

“Be true to yourself.”


“The values and benefits of research on society totally depend on the integrity in research.”

Declaration of Singapore

“There are two sorts of blindness on this planet. The ones who are vision blind and the ones who are life blind.”


International Satisfaction Association is a general information website on satisfaction of human needs and the roots of suffering.

From a technical and scientific point of view, our research is called a qualitative survey on the basis of 250 clinical monitorings, along with international qualitative data research based on official quantitative statistics. Please simply keep in mind that our work is scientific research in the field of humanities for 3 fundamental reasons.
First, our unique objective is seeking the truth, serving knowledge and conscience, in a humanistic determination and with an honest ethic, which truly corresponds to the fundamental spirit and values of science.
Secondly, our work includes an international scientific principle : the universal nature of our brain and body, in terms of needs, emotions and stress. This universal scientific principle has already been proved many times in the medical field during the 20th century by the Dr. Hans SELYE, Dr. Henri LABORIT, Dr. Antonio DAMASIO, Dr. Joseph LEDOUX, Dr. Eric KANDEL, Dr. Lauri NUMMENMAA, Carl ROGERS, Abraham MASLOW, Marshall ROSENBERG. This principle has already received worldwide recognition according to the Law, and it is at the heart of the 10th of December 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Thirdly, and more importantly, our research is evaluated for its quality by more than 250 clinical monitorings using during nearly 14 years the 5 methods recognized by science.
In quantitative terms, our research is supported by the statistical surveys of official institutions, namely the World Health Organisation.
Here is the detail of the 5 methods officially used by science :

1. Document Research

historical development of knowledge (theories, books, conferences, articles, documentaries, videos, education….). For our research, 30 years of document research in psychology, neurosciences, theology, economy, history, sociology, philosophy. At the beginning our research was exclusively on paper (1985-2005), it then became more and more digital (Internet, Youtube, Replay…), now often in English.

The following authors are our principal sources and references on this first point : Dr. Hans SELYE, Dr. Henri LABORIT, Dr. Antonio DAMASIO, Dr. René SPITZ, Dr. John BOWLBY, Dr. Suzan FORWARD, Alice MILLER, Isabelle FILLIOZAT, Dr. Sigmund FREUD, Dr. Wilhelm REICH, Alexander LOWEN, Dr. Carl Gustave JUNG, Dr. Fritz PERLS, Dr. Eric BERNE, Dr. Claude STEINER, Dr. Carl ROGERS, Dr. Peter LEVINE, Dr. Gerhard ROTH, Dr. Joseph LEDOUX, Dr. Erik KANDEL, Dr. Francine SHAPIRO, Dr. Avshalom CASPI, Dr. Terrie MOFFITT, Dr. Vincent LAUPIES, Dr. Paul - Claude RACAMIER, Dr. Pierre FOUQUET, Dr. Arthur JANOV, Gary CHAPMAN, John BRADSHAW, Michaël PORTER, James BALDWIN, Jean-Noël KAPFERER, Boston Consulting Group, McKINSEY……

2. Observation

Watching, perceiving, or taking notes on what is really going on (observing people individually, in a team, in a couple, as a family, in their workplace, in a group). The point is to raise awareness on the reality of facts, without interpretations, simply through observation. The quality of critical thinking will then be the key for processing the information, as it was proved historically by the observations of Charles Darwin.

3. Investigation

Looking for information through listening, interviewing and questioning (asking questions to know what is going on, reaching for explanations, understanding behaviors, grasping processes, quantifying facts, identifying criterias of decisions, knowing the choices, having statistics and relevant figures…)

4. Experimentation

Testing, trying, therapeutic work on oneself, practical verification, experiments in the field to know more, really verify and control better (control, test, experience, sometimes done on ourselves like Isaac NEWTON’s experience).

5. Data tracking (or data research)

Collecting reliable and official data, collecting quality information, statistical crossing of data, analysis of correlation, searching for key figures, statistical processing of database. Our quantitative data sources are international organisations (W.H.O, U.N.I.C.E.F,…) government departments (Health, Security, Education… in many countries), figures from victim associations (Alcoholic Anonymous, ACE,…) or statistics from social surveys driven by established polling organizations. These statistical surveys, imperfect by definition, can at least give an idea, make sense or give figures that speak for themselves.

“Albert EINSTEIN was considered as a reference. I assert out loud that his authority was established upon two axes. Being in the truth of space and time, what an achievement. And in the truth of his time.”


“To experience emotion, a process of memory is needed first.”


“We carry our history with us. We are our history. If we pretend otherwise, we are literally criminals”